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Начни свой собственный бизнес
DONO Communication INC. предлагает прибыльные партнерские программы.
Count of our partners
Not a long time ago we were started to create new business connections everyday.
5 partners
3 partners
UG construction
6 partners
"We are offer turnkey solutions which will help people to be introduced into cable service industry as a business owners for both of our benefits. At this page we will try to represent you main aspects, calculations to convince you to start partnership with DONO Communication INC."

Co-Founder of
DONO Communication INC.

Co-Founder of
DONO Communication INC.
"The final goal in our long-term strategy to unite every small and big company and to create nationwide cable association."
"We are improving our business methods everyday to raise income of our partners and reputation of DONO Communication INC."

Head of HR & Sales department

Ilimdar Zeinaliiev
Zeins inc.
"I'm started partnership with DONO Communication INC. since January 2018th. At this moment we are working together in 15 areas on different types of projects, including UG and Aerial construction. Since we started to work together we got only benefits and raised our income three times. Right now at our joint projects works more than 80 cable technicians."

Typical partner scheme
Internet provider
Prime partner
DONO Communication INC
Your company
All information presented on the site has an introductory and marketing function. The site owners are not responsible for the information provided.